Generate WiFi IVS dump with makeivs-ng on Kali Linux

makeivs-ng is part of the aircrack-ng package and is used to generate an IVS dump file with a given WEP key. The aim of the tool is to provide a way to create dumps with a known encryption key for testing.

makeivs-ng – generate a dummy IVS dump file with a specific WEP key

root@kali:~# makeivs-ng --help

makeivs-ng 1.2 rc4 - (C) 2006-2015 Thomas d'Otreppe

usage: makeivs-ng [options]

Common options:
-b <bssid> : Set access point MAC address
-f <num>   : Number of first IV
-k <key>   : Target network WEP key in hex
-s <num>   : Seed used to setup random generator
-w <file>  : Filename to write IVs into
-c <num>   : Number of IVs to generate
-d <num>   : Percentage of dupe IVs
-e <num>   : Percentage of erroneous keystreams
-l <num>   : Length of keystreams
-n         : Ignores ignores weak IVs
-p         : Uses prng algorithm to generate IVs

--help     : Displays this usage screen

makeivs-ng Usage Example

Specify a BSSID (-b de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe), WEP key (-k 123456789ABCDEF123456789AB), and output filename (-w makeivs.ivs).

root@kali:~# makeivs-ng -b de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe -k 123456789ABCDEF123456789AB -w makeivs.ivs
Creating 100000 IVs with 16 bytes of keystream each.
Estimated filesize: 2.29 MB
root@kali:~# aircrack-ng makeivs.ivs
Opening makeivs.ivs
Read 100001 packets.

#  BSSID              ESSID                     Encryption

1  DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE                            WEP (100000 IVs)

Choosing first network as target.

Opening makeivs.ivs
Attack will be restarted every 5000 captured ivs.
Starting PTW attack with 100000 ivs.

Aircrack-ng 1.2 rc4

[00:00:00] Tested 621 keys (got 100000 IVs)

KB    depth   byte(vote)
0    1/  2   76(113152) 1E(111104) 48(109824) 1C(109568) A6(109568)
1    1/  3   F5(112640) 06(111616) 33(111616) F4(111616) 05(111104)
2    0/  2   31(137216) F9(113664) 76(113152) DC(110336) B9(109568)
3   10/  3   E1(108800) 0A(108544) 34(108032) 3E(108032) 48(108032)
4    9/  4   7D(109312) BA(109056) 5E(108800) D6(108800) 11(108288)

KEY FOUND! [ 12:34:56:78:9A:BC:DE:F1:23:45:67:89:AB ]
Decrypted correctly: 100%


Author: Thomas d’Otreppe, Original work: Christophe Devine

License: GPLv2

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