Failed to open directory on Kali Linux Virtualbox

I added E:\Kali_Shared to my Kali Linux Virtualbox image and then tried to open it within Kali Linux. Received an Failed to open directory error. This seems to be a common problem with different versions of Linux running in Virtualbox where you get Virtualbox shared folder permissions denied error message.

Failed to open directory on Kali Linux Virtualbox - blackMORE Ops -1

The fix is rather easy and there’s two different ways to do it.

Solution 1

Add yourself to the vboxsf group within the guest VM.

Run from terminal: (in Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Debian derivatives)

sudo adduser $USER vboxsf

On Suse it’s

sudo usermod --append --groups vboxsf $USER

Failed to open directory on Kali Linux Virtualbox - blackMORE Ops - 2

To take effect you should log out and then log in, or you may need to reboot.

Solution 2

Edit the file, you will need root privileges: /etc/group

Look for the line vboxsf:x:999 and add at the end :yourusername — use this solution if you don’t have sudo.

To take effect you should log out and then log in, or you may need to reboot.

That’s it.


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